Copacabana Hotel and Suites

Jacó Beach, Costa Rica

This information is intended for general guidelines only.  While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information, resort amenities may change from time to time.

Unit Size Check In/Out dates Kitchen Restaurant Pool Tennis Golf Laundry Hot Tub
1, 2  Sa P Y Y N N Y Y
Legend: Kitchen (P=Partial, F=Full) Others (Y=Yes, N=No)

GEO Group at Pueblo Real

Quepos, Costa Rica

This information is intended for general guidelines only.  While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information, resort amenities may change from time to time.

Unit Size Check In/Out dates Kitchen Restaurant Pool Tennis Golf Laundry Hot Tub
1, 2  Sat. F N Y Y N N Y
Legend: Kitchen (P=Partial, F=Full) Others (Y=Yes, N=No)

La Catalina Hotel and Suites

San Jose, Costa Rica

This information is intended for general guidelines only.  While every effort has been made to verify the accuracy of the information, resort amenities may change from time to time.

Unit Size Check In/Out dates Kitchen Restaurant Pool Tennis Golf Laundry Hot Tub
Hotel/1/2  Mon. P / F Y Y Y N Y N
Legend: Kitchen (P=Partial, F=Full) Others (Y=Yes, N=No)